Новый грант на обучение в Праге

При поддержке министерства иностранных дел Чехии было создано несколько стипендий для белорусских студентов, желающих обучаться в Праге.

Для получения гранта на обучение необходимо закончить как минимум два
курсы университета, а также хорошо владеть английским языком.
Подробная информация о программе по-английски ниже.

CERGE-EI (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education
– Economics Institute, a joint workplace of Charles
University and Academy
of Sciences) at Charles
University in Prague, Czech Republic
has openings for a limited number of students who would like to study for one semester
at the Undergraduate Program in Central European Studies (UPCES). This
opportunity is provided through a grant from the Czech Ministry of Foreign
. Interested applicants should request an application form by writing
to: intl.progs@cerge-ei.cz. This grant is available to students who have at
least two years undergraduate study experience with a good command of the
English language as all courses are taught in English.

STUDY: Students will take three of the following courses: Central Europe: Historical and Cultural Perspectives; Economics of Переходы;
European Integration; Prague as a
Living History; Human Relationships in Film;
Czech, German and Jewish Culture in Prague at the Beginning of
the 20th Century; Constitutionalism; Ideas
Behind Politics; and Romanticism and National Identity in
Central Europe. In
addition, students must take a
compulsory course in Introduction
to Critical Academic Writing.


Students will get travel grants to cover travel and visa expenses. In addition, students will be
provided with housing and stipends
for living expenses.

further information or to request an application, please contact: intl.progs@cerge-ei.cz.

Обсуждение закрыто.